Source code for obci_readmanager.signal_processing.signal.generic_info_file_proxy

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright (c) 2016-2018 Braintech Sp. z o.o. [Ltd.] <>
# All rights reserved.

Module providing generic info file proxy.

     Mateusz KruszyƄski <>
import xml.dom.minidom

from . import signal_exceptions
from . import signal_logging as logger
from .. import types_utils

LOGGER = logger.get_logger('generic_info_file_proxy')

        ('list', ['channelLabels', 'label']),
        ('list', ['channelNumbers', 'number']),
        ('list', ['calibrationGain', 'calibrationParam']),
        ('list', ['calibrationOffset', 'calibrationParam']),
        ('simple', ['sampleCount']),
        ('simple', ['channelCount']),
        ('simple', ['samplingFrequency']),
        ('simple', ['firstSampleTimestamp']),
        ('simple', ['videoFileName']),
        ('simple', ['videoFileOffset']),
        ('simple', ['sourceFileName']),
        ('list', ['sourceFileFormat', 'rawSignalInfo']),
        ('simple', ['calibration']),
        ('simple', ['sampleType']),
        ('simple', ['byteOrder']),
        ('simple', ['pageSize']),
        ('simple', ['blocksPerPage']),
        ('simple', ['exportFileName']),
        ('simple', ['exportDate'])
For every tag we have entry in format


        ('list' or 'simple',  # tag type
         [one element for 'simple', two elements for 'list']) # list of tag translations

[docs]class OpenBciDocument(xml.dom.minidom.Document): """Abstract class for future development, used in proxies.""" pass
[docs]class GenericInfoFileWriteProxy: """ A class that is responsible for implementing logic of OpenBCI signal parameters storage in info file. The file is supposed to be compatible with signalml 2.0. By now it isn`t :) The class should be separated from all multiplexer-stuff logic. InfoFileProxy represents a process of saving one signal parameters. Init method gets a dictionary of signal params in format understandable by InfoFileProxy. Public interface: :meth:`finish_saving` """ def __init__(self, p_file_path): """A class representing info file.""" super().__init__() self._file_path = p_file_path # TODO works in windows and linux on path with spaces? self._xml_factory = self._create_xml_factory() # an object useful in the future to easily create xml elements self._create_xml_root() self._create_tags_controls() def _create_xml_factory(self): return OpenBciDocument()
[docs] def set_attributes(self, p_attrs_dict): """For every pair key-> value in p_attrs_dict create tag. The type of tag depends on self._tags_control.""" for i_key, i_value in p_attrs_dict.items(): self._set_tag(i_key, i_value)
[docs] def finish_saving(self, p_signal_params={}): """ Write xml_doc to the file, return the file`s path. Arguments: :arg ``p_file_name`` : a name of to-be-created info file :arg ``p_dir_path`` : a dir-path where p_file_name is to be created :arg ``p_signal_params`` : a dictionary of all signal parameters that should be stored in info file. What is the logics flow of analysing parameters? p_signal_params has keys representing signal parameters identificators. ``self._create_tags_controls`` creates a dictionary with the same keys, values are functions being 'able' to understand particular param values. Method ``self._process_signal_params``, for every key in ``p_signal_params`` fires corresponding function from self._tags_control, giving as argument value from p_signal_params... So, how can I implement a new parameter usage? Let`s say that the parameter is signal`s colour. Let`s call it 'color', values are strings. ``p_signal_params`` should contain a pair 'color' -> 'color_value'. #. Create function ``self._set_color(self, p_color)`` #. Add pair 'color' -> ``self._set_color`` to ``self._tags_control`` in ``self._create_tags_control()`` #. Implement the function so that it creates xml element for color parameter and appends it to self._xml_root. For simple params (with one value) you can fire self._set_simple_tag('color', 'color_value'). """ # TODO - lapac bledy self.set_attributes(p_signal_params) self._set_remaining_tags() f = open(self._file_path, 'wb') f.write(self._xml_factory.toprettyxml(encoding='utf-8')) f.close() return self._file_path
def _set_remaining_tags(self): """Set all default (hardcoded) tags and other tags as now we we have all needed data.""" self.set_attributes({ 'byte_order': 'LITTLE_ENDIAN', }) def _create_xml_root(self): """ Create root xml element and add standard parameters. :param'sample_type' (double by now) :param'file' (data file`s name) """ self._xml_root = self._xml_factory.createElement('OpenBciDataFormat') # this is going to be an in-memory representation of xml info file self._xml_factory.appendChild(self._xml_root) def _set_tag(self, p_tag_name, p_tag_params): """ For given tag name and tag parameters create in-memory representation of xml tag. Tag type is defined in self._tags_control so use it to determine specific action. """ # first get a tupe (function, list_of_function_params) l_ctr = self._tags_controls[p_tag_name] l_std_params = list(l_ctr['params']) # then take list of params and append p_tag_params to it l_std_params.append(p_tag_params) # fire the function with all params from l_std_params l_ctr['function'](*l_std_params) def _set_simple_tag(self, p_tag_name, p_tag_value): """ A generic method for adding an xml element. - tag name: 'param', - id: 'p_tag_name', - value: p_tag_value. """ l_xml_element = self._create_xml_text_element( p_tag_name, types_utils.to_string(p_tag_value)) self._xml_root.appendChild(l_xml_element) def _set_list_tag( self, p_tag_name, p_subtag_name, p_tag_values): """ Add xml tag. <p_tag_name> <p_subtag_name>p_tag_values[0]</p_subtag_name> <p_subtag_name>p_tag_values[1]</p_subtag_name> ... </p_tag_name> """ l_xml_list_root = self._xml_factory.createElement(p_tag_name) for i_value in p_tag_values: l_xml_elem = self._create_xml_text_element( p_subtag_name, types_utils.to_string(i_value)) l_xml_list_root.appendChild(l_xml_elem) self._xml_root.appendChild(l_xml_list_root) def _create_xml_text_element(self, p_tag_name, p_text_value): """ A generic method for adding an xml text element. - tag name: 'p_tag_name', - value: p_text_value. - id: 'p_id_value' if different from '' """ l_xml_element = self._xml_factory.createElement(p_tag_name) l_xml_element.appendChild(self._xml_factory.createTextNode(p_text_value)) return l_xml_element def _create_tags_controls(self): """Define tags control functions for every recognisable parameter. See self.__init__ for more details.""" self._tags_controls = {} for i_tag_name, i_tag_def in TAGS_DEFINITIONS.items(): if i_tag_def[0] == 'simple': l_new_tag = {'function': self._set_simple_tag, 'params': tuple(i_tag_def[1])} elif i_tag_def[0] == 'list': l_new_tag = {'function': self._set_list_tag, 'params': tuple(i_tag_def[1])} self._tags_controls[i_tag_name] = l_new_tag
[docs]class GenericInfoFileReadProxy: """Class reading info from xml file.""" def __init__(self, p_file_path): """Info file reader.""" self._file_path = p_file_path self._create_tags_control() self.start_reading()
[docs] def start_reading(self): """Load xml to memory.""" try: l_file = open(self._file_path, 'rt') except IOError as e: LOGGER.error("An error occured while opening the info file!") raise e else: try: # Analyse xml info file, get what we want and close the file. self._parse_info_file(l_file) except xml.parsers.expat.ExpatError as e: LOGGER.error("Info file is not a well-formatted xml file. Reading aborted!") raise e finally: l_file.close()
def _parse_info_file(self, p_info_file): """Parse p_info_file xml info file and store it in memory.""" # TODO - validate xml regarding dtd self._xml_doc = xml.dom.minidom.parse(p_info_file)
[docs] def get_params(self): """ Return all parameters for TAGS_DEFINITIONS. Raise NoParameter exception if p_param_name parameters was not found. """ params = {} for key in TAGS_DEFINITIONS: try: value = self.get_param(key) params[key] = value except signal_exceptions.NoParameter: pass return params
[docs] def get_param(self, p_param_name): """ Return parameter value for p_param_name. Raise NoParameter exception if p_param_name parameters was not found. """ # first get a tupe (function, list_of_function_params) try: l_ctr = self._tags_controls[p_param_name] l_std_params = list(l_ctr['params']) # fire the function with all params from l_std_params return l_ctr['function'](*l_std_params) except KeyError: raise signal_exceptions.NoParameter(p_param_name) except IndexError: raise signal_exceptions.NoParameter(p_param_name)
def _get_simple_param(self, p_param_name): """ Return text value from tag in specific format. :return <param id=p_param_name>text_value</param> """ LOGGER.debug("Read " + p_param_name + " tag from in-memory info xml.") l_name = p_param_name l_param = self._xml_doc.getElementsByTagName(l_name)[0] return l_param.firstChild.nodeValue def _get_list_param(self, p_param_name, p_subparam_name): """ Return a list of text values form tag in specific format. <p_param_name> <param>text value1</param> <param>text value2</param> ... </p_param_name> """ l_xml_root_element = self._xml_doc.getElementsByTagName(p_param_name)[0] LOGGER.debug("Will look for subtags: " + p_subparam_name + " in node: " + str(l_xml_root_element)) l_elements = [] for i_node in l_xml_root_element.getElementsByTagName(p_subparam_name): try: elem = i_node.firstChild.nodeValue except: LOGGER.debug("An empty node occurred in tag: " + p_subparam_name) elem = '' LOGGER.debug("Found subtag node: " + str(i_node) + " with node value: " + str(elem)) l_elements.append(elem) return l_elements def _create_tags_control(self): """ Define tags control functions for every recognisable parameter. See self.__init__ for more details. """ self._tags_controls = {} for i_tag_name, i_tag_def in TAGS_DEFINITIONS.items(): if i_tag_def[0] == 'simple': l_new_tag = {'function': self._get_simple_param, 'params': tuple(i_tag_def[1])} elif i_tag_def[0] == 'list': l_new_tag = {'function': self._get_list_param, 'params': tuple(i_tag_def[1])} self._tags_controls[i_tag_name] = l_new_tag