Source code for obci_readmanager.signal_processing.tags.read_tags_source

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright (c) 2016-2018 Braintech Sp. z o.o. [Ltd.] <>
# All rights reserved.

This module provides classes for managing tag from source.

    Mateusz KruszyƄski <>
import copy

from . import tags_file_reader
from . import tags_logging as logger

LOGGER = logger.get_logger('smart_tags_source', 'info')

[docs]class TagsSource: """Base TagsSource class."""
[docs] def get_tags(self): """Method must be implemented in subclass.""" LOGGER.error("The method must be subclassed")
def _filter_tags(self, p_tags, p_tag_type=None, p_from=None, p_len=None, p_func=None): l_tags = p_tags if not (p_tag_type is None): l_tags = [i_tag for i_tag in l_tags if p_tag_type == i_tag['name']] if not (p_from is None): l_start = p_from if p_len is not None: l_end = p_from + p_len l_tags = [i_tag for i_tag in l_tags if (l_start <= i_tag['start_timestamp'] and i_tag['start_timestamp'] <= l_end)] else: l_tags = [i_tag for i_tag in l_tags if l_start <= i_tag['start_timestamp']] if not (p_func is None): l_tags = [i_tag for i_tag in l_tags if p_func(i_tag)] return l_tags def __deepcopy__(self, memo): """Construct a new object, next recursively, inserts copies into it of the :class MemoryTagsSource.""" return MemoryTagsSource(copy.deepcopy(self.get_tags()))
[docs]class MemoryTagsSource(TagsSource): """Subclass of class 'TagsSource', stores tags in memory in 'dict' structure.""" def __init__(self, p_tags=None): """ Initialize tags as dictionary structure. :param p_tags: dictionary with tags. """ self._tags = None if not (p_tags is None): self.set_tags(p_tags)
[docs] def set_tags(self, p_tags): """ Set tags. :param p_tag: dictionary with tags. """ self._tags = p_tags
[docs] def get_tags(self, p_tag_type=None, p_from=None, p_len=None, p_func=None): """ Get tags of given type. :param p_tag_type: type of tag :param p_from: start timestamp :param p_len: number of tag :param p_func: logic who to choose tag eg. tag['desc'][u'index'] == tag['desc'][u'target'] :return: filtered tags """ return self._filter_tags(self._tags, p_tag_type, p_from, p_len, p_func)
[docs]class FileTagsSource(TagsSource): """Subclass of class 'TagsSource', manage tags from file and memory_source.""" def __init__(self, p_file_path): """Initialize tags proxy, read from p_file if there is no memory_source.""" self._memory_source = None self._tags_proxy = tags_file_reader.TagsFileReader(p_file_path)
[docs] def get_tags(self, p_tag_type=None, p_from=None, p_len=None, p_func=None): """ Get tags of given type :param p_tag_type from memory_source or read from p_file. :param p_tag_type: type of tag :param p_from: start timestamp :param p_len: number of tag :param p_func: logic who to choose tag eg. tag['desc'][u'index'] == tag['desc'][u'target'] """ if self._memory_source is None: return self._filter_tags( self._tags_proxy.get_tags(), p_tag_type, p_from, p_len, p_func) else: return self._memory_source.get_tags(p_tag_type, p_from, p_len, p_func)
[docs] def set_tags(self, p_tags): """If MemoryTagsSource is not None: set tags in memory_source else: create MemoryTagsSource and set tags.""" if self._memory_source is None: self._memory_source = MemoryTagsSource(p_tags) else: self._memory_source.set_tags(p_tags)